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Dental hygiene is essential for pets. Around 70% of pets have dental disease by 3 years of age. Here at Brimbank Veterinary Clinic and Hospital, we effectively treat dental issues.

Your pet’s mouth shouldn’t smell and bright white teeth are supposed to be the norm for animals. Plaque build-up in animals is just as severe as it is for humans, calcifying into tartar.

This tartar appears as yellow-brown material on the teeth. This can damage teeth, gums and cause bad breath. It can also lead to infection in other parts of the body, including vital organs. This can be prevented by regular dental check-ups and necessary cleans for your pet!

We are very proud to have the latest in digital dental x-ray technology, allowing us to provide your pet with outstanding dental care. Our machines allow us to rapidly and accurately examine teeth to check for hidden disease. We can clean your pet’s teeth, and if needed, perform extractions. Just like a human dentist, we offer nerve blocks to limit any pain. All dental procedures take place under general anaesthetic with an experienced vet nurse monitoring the whole way through.

What if my pet has dental disease?

You can book a dental examination during our opening hours, just like you’d book a regular consultation. Our veterinarians will help you make the best plan for your pet’s long-term dental health. If your pet has dental disease they will need an anaesthetic. Our veterinarians will then remove the tartar using a special ultrasonic scaler, just like a dentist uses for human teeth! The teeth are then polished. If further dental care is needed, our veterinarians will discuss the best option for your pet prior to any treatment.

Give us a call to discuss your
pet’s dental health.

03 9449 1100